Sunday 28 September 2014

Creating Electric Current with a Magnet

Abstract The objective: Faraday's Law states that an electric current can be generated by passing a magnet through a coil of wire. This experiment attempted to verify Faraday's Law by using a strong heavy duty magnet, varying the number of coil windings, and passing the magnet through the coils at different speeds to see the amount of electric current created. Methods/Materials Wind coils using 32 gauge wire (200 turns and 400 turns). Pass a stong magnet through each of the coils. Measure the amount of electricity generated by the magnet moving through the coils by using a galvanoscope. Repeat the procedure by moving the magnets through the coils at different speeds to see the difference in the current generated. Results Coil with more windings produced more current and the faster the magnet was passed through the coils the greater the current generated. Conclusions/Discussion By inserting or removing the magnet from the windings of coiled wire, electricity was produced as predicted by Faraday's Law. Electricity is generated by passing a magnet through coils of wire as predicted by Faraday's Law.

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