Sunday 28 September 2014

How Does Music Affect Plant Growth

Abstract The objective: My objective was to find out if music affected plant growth and if so, how? Methods/Materials First I ordered 50 fast plant seeds for the experiment. Then I built four boxes out of plywood and I fitted sound proof foam insulation. I planted the fast plant seeds in black planters and put together the reservoirs for watering. I put a planter and reservoir in each box with a CD player out front and headphones inside with the plants. Everyday for twenty days I checked on the plants and recorded their growth. Results Silence grew the best and healthiest followed by spoken word (Harry Potter). Classical music (Vivaldi concertos) ended up just under spoken word. Bringing up the rear was a very small and unhealthy plant that was 'listening' to heavy metal and (harsh) world music (Mudvayne and Rammstein). Conclusions/Discussion From my twenty days of information gathering I have drawn the conclusion that all music/spoken word affects plant growth negatively. Some plants were affected more negatively than others. So I can just repeat an old saying, 'Silence is golden.' The project was to find how music and spoken word affect plant growth.

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